
Выписка из роддома у ТАНЦУЮЩИХ молодых!

Полтора года назад я снимал у них свадьбу! Любовь осуществившая свою мечту, весёлая, ТАНЦУЮЩАЯ. А недавно… Необычайно талантливые и интересные новобрачные — родили СЫНА!

Как выбрать комплект на выписку зимой. ТМ Крошкин дом.

Рекомендации, советы — как правильно выбрать комплект, на что обратить внимание. Для новорожденных только натуральные материалы.
ТМ Крошкин дом — kroshkin-dom.com/
Группа Вконтакте: vk.com/kroshkindom_ekb
Инстаграм: www.instagram.com/kroshkindom_ekb

Isabella gets dressed for her trip home from the hospital

If youre thinking of commenting on our parenting based on this 3 minute video let me save you the time: dont.

If not: hello! Isabella is 10 now and shes a happy young girl. I dont know why this video has so many views but I hope it brings you some small measure of happiness like she has brought to our lives!

The first five minutes of DRPs life.

The first five minutes of DRPs life. This video was taken a few minutes after my son was born. It shows the skillful and efficient method used by the attending nurse to measure, weigh, and clear the nose and throat of my beautiful newborn baby, moments after being born. When I uploaded this video, I had no idea this little bundle of joy would reach so many people and be viewed so many times. Im so glad I recorded this, and Im glad to share the beauty of this moment that was one of the most beautiful and joyful of my life.

Please press the «like» button if you enjoyed this video, and consider subscribing to my channel to see how this little guy has grown!